Will Durant
Foundation: The Official Site for the authentic teachings
of Will and Ariel Durant

of Content: John Little and James Bishop
Website construction
and design by: James Bishop
Media inquiries, lecture requests, and other
general questions may be directed to the following email
The Will
Durant Foundation would like to gratefully acknowledge
the translation assistance of the following people: Maria
Fermin, Marcos Ocaña, Valdemar Fernandes, Peer Hesstvedt,
Michael Shahim, Ali Nabhan, Paolo Ianni, Guillaume Morel, Olivier Müller and Liu Jie.
The Will
Durant Foundation website has received
the following awards and recognitions:

All contents
of this website, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted © 2004
John Little and the Estate of Will Durant. No part of this
site may be copied or redistributed without written permission.