
- The Ferrer Modern School. New
York: Francisco Ferrer Association, 1912.
- Socialism and Anarchism. New
York: Albert and Charles Boni, 1914.
- Philosophy and the Social Problem. New
York: The MacMillan Company, 1917.
- A Guide to Plato. Girard,
Kansas: The Haldeman-Julius Company, 1922.
- The Story of Aristotle's Philosophy. Girard,
Kansas: The Haldeman-Julius Company, 1922.
- A Guide to Francis Bacon. Girard,
Kansas: The Haldeman-Julius Company, 1923.
- A Guide to Schopenhauer. Girard,
Kansas: The Haldeman-Julius Company, 1924.
- A Guide to Spinoza. Girard,
Kansas: The Haldeman-Julius Company, 1924.
- The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Girard,
Kansas: The Haldeman-Juhus Company, 1924.
- The Story of Friedrich Nietzsche's
Philosophy. Girard, Kansas: The Haldeman-Julius Company,
- Voltaire and the French Enlightenment. Girard,
Kansas: The Haldeman-Julius Company, 1924.
- Anatole France: 7he Man and
His Work. Girard, Kansas: The Haldeman-Julius Company,
- Contemporary American Philosophers:
Santayana, James and Dewey. Girard, Kansas: The Haldeman-Julius
Company, 1925.
- Contemporary European Philosophers:
Bergson, Croce and Bertrand Russell. Girard, Kansas:
The Haldeman-Julius Company, 1925.
- The Philosophy of Herbert Spencer. Girard,
Kansas: The Haldeman-Julius Company, 1925.
- The Story of Philosophy: The
Lives and Opinions of the Greater Philosophers. New York:
Simon and Schuster, 1926.
- Transition: A Sentimental Story
of One Mind and One Era. New York: Simon and Schuster,
- Debate: Is Man a Machine? (with
Clarence Darrow). New York: League for Public Discussion, 1927.
Also published under the title Are We Machines? by the
Haldeman-Julius Company, Girard, Kansas, n.d.
- The Works of Schopenhauer, edited by
Will Durant. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1928.
- The Mansions of Philosophy:
A Survey of Human Life and Destiny. New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1929.
- Adventures in Genius. New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1931.
- A Program for America. New
York: Simon and Schuster. 1931.
- The Case for India. New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1930.
- On the Meaning of Life. New
York: Ray Long and Richard R. Smith, 1932. Republished in
2004 through Promethean Press.
- The Lesson of Russia: Impressions. New
York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1933. Same as The Tragedy of Russia.
- 100 Best Books for an Education. New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1933. Reprinted from Adventures
in Genius.
- "New Forward," to The
Story of Philosophy. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1933.
- The Tragedy of Russia: Impressions
from a Brief Visit. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1933.
- The Story of Civilization. Vol. 1: Our
Oriental Heritage. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1935.
- Reissue of The Story of Philosophy,
New York: Garden City Publishing co., inc., 1935.
- The Foundations of Civilization.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1936. (Introduction to The
Story of Civilization. Vol. 1: Our Oriental Heritage reprinted.)
- Great Men of Literature.
New York: Garden City Publishing co. inc., 1936. Taken from Adventures
in Genius.
- The Story of Civilization. Vol. II:
The Life of Greece. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1939.
- The Story of Civilization. Vol.
III: Caesar and Christ. New York: Simon and Schuster,
- The Story of Civilization. Vol.
IV: The Age of Faith. New York: Simon and Schuster,
- The Pleasures of Philosophy. New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1953. New and revised edition of The
Mansions of Philosophy.
- The Story of Civilization. Vol.
V: The Renaissance. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1953.
- Reissue of The Story of Philosophy. New
York: The Pocket Library, 1954.
- The Story of Civilization. Vol.
VI: The Reformation. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957.
- The Story of Civilization. Vol.
VII: The Age of Reason Begins. New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1961.
- Outlines of Philosophy: Plato
to Russell. London: Ernest Benn,
1962. British edition of The Story of Philosophy.
- The Story of Civilization. Vol.
VIII: The Age of Louis XIV. New York: Simon and Schuster,
- The Story of Civilization. Vol.
IX: The Age of Voltaire. New York: Simon and Schuster,
- Reissue of The Story of Philosophy. New
York: Washington Square Press, 1965.
- The Story of Civilization. Vol.
X: Rousseau and Revolution. New York: Simon and Schuster,
- The Lessons of History. New
York: Simon and Schuster ,1968.
- Interpretations of Life: A Survey
of Contemporary Literature. New York: Simon and Schuster,
- The Story of Civilization. Vol.
XI: The Age of Napoleon. New York. Simon and Schuster
- Will and Ariel Durant: A Dual
Autobiography. New York. Simon and Schuster 1977.
- Heroes of History. New
York. Simon and Schuster, 2001.
- The Greatest Minds and Ideas
of All Time. New York. Simon and Schuster, 2002.
- An Invitation to Philosophy.
Dallas. Promethean Press, 2003.
- The Power of History. Dallas. Promethean
Press, 2004.

- "The War Within the War," The
Dial, LXV (June 20, 1918), 5-7.
- "The Biology of War," The
Dial, LXVI (January 25, 1919), 84-85.
- "Roads to Freedom," The
Dial, LXVI (April 5, 1919), 354-356.
- "The Future of American Socialism," The
Dial, LXVI (May 17,1919), 494-496.
"Why Freedom Disappears," The
Nation, CX (May 1, 1920), 587-589.
"Is America's Age of Art Dawning?" The
New York Times Magazine, August 29, 1926, pp. 1, 20.
"Is America to Have a Golden
Age?" World Review, III (October 4, 1926), 33.
"Is Democracy a Failure?" Harper's
Magazine, CLIII (October, 1926), 555-565.
"Is Progress a Delusion?" Harper's
Magazine, CLIII (November, 1926), 742-7Sl. Also included
in Essays of the Past and Present, Warner Taylor, ed.
New York: Harper & brothers, 1927. Also included in
Facts and Ideas for Students of English Composition, John O.
Beaty and others, eds. New York: F.S. Crofts & Co., 1930.
Also included in Readings in the Modern Essay, Edward
S. Noyes, ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1933. Also included in
Essays and Addresses Toward a Liberal Education, A. Craig
Baird, ed. New York: Ginn and Company, 1934. Also included
in Of Time and Truth: Ideas and Values for College Students, Fred
W. Lorch, W. Paul Jones land] Keith Huntress, eds. New York:
The Dryden Press, 1946.
"The Failure of Philosophy," Harper's
Magazine, CLIV (December, 1926), 80-90,
"Is Philosophy Doomed?" The
Bookman, LXIV (December, 1926), 392-396.
- "The Story of Civilization," Cosmos
Syndicate, 1927-1928. (Note: This is a biographical story of
civilization written in serial form for the Cosmos Syndicate
and published in the Scripps-Howard and other newspapers in
1927-1928; the articles were intended for popular consumption
and were not used in the book publication of The Story of
Civilization, published by Simon and Schuster, 1935-1967.)
- "The Modern Woman," The
Century Magazine, CXIII (February, 1927), 418-429. Also
included in Modern Life and Thought, Frederich H.
Law, ed. New York: The Century Company, 1928.
- "The Ten Greatest Thinkers," The
American Magazine, CIII (March, 1927), 7-9, 103-104,
106, 108, 110. Also included in Essays in Liberal Thought,
W.H. Thomas and Stewart S. Morgan, eds. New York: Harcourt,
Brace, 1928.
- "Youthful Suicides," Cosmopolitan, LXXXII
(May, 1927), 50-51, 220.
- "In Praise of Freedom," Harper's
Magazine, CLV (June, 1927), 46-54.
- "If You Ask Me, No Man is
Happy Until He Stops Thinking of Himself," The American
Magazine, CIV (July, 1927), 43. Also included in Light
From Many Lamps, Lillian Eichler Watson, ed. New York:
Simon and Schuster, 1951.
- "Men and Women," The
American Magazine, CIV (September, 1927), 13-15, 96,
98, 100.
- "Is Man a Machine?" The
Century Magazine, CXIV (October, 1927), 659-670. Also
included in Essays of Today (1926-1927), Odell Shepard
and Robert Hillver, eds. New York: The Century Company, 1928.
- "If I Were Mayor," Plain
Talk, I (October, 19 27), 51-56.
- "The Story of Happiness," Redbook XLIX
(October, 1927), 50-53, 168-171.
- "What is Love?" Cosmopolitan, LXXXIII
(October, 1927), 28, 199-203.
- "The Breakdown of Marriage," Pictorial
Review, XXIX (November, 1927),4, 94, 97-98,112.
- "What Really is the Meaning
of Life?" Cosmopolitan, LXXXIII (November, 1927),
- "Our Changing Morals," Cosmopolitan, LXXXIV
(January, 1928), 92,159-161.
- Why Do You Thrill at Beauty?, Cosmopolitan, LXXXIV
(march, 1928), 44, 144-146.
- Will Aristocracy Return?" Plain
Talk, 11 (June, 1928), 641-652.
- "If You Ask Me, There is a
Spark of the Divine in Every Man," The American Magazine, CVI
(July, 1928), 31.
- "Is Socialism Dead?" The Century
Magazine, CXVI (August, 1928), 385-397.
- "Has Democracy Broken Down?" A
Debate," The Forum, LXXXI (January, 1929), 34-38.
- My Country," The American
Legion Monthly, VI (January, 1929), 16-17, 62-65. Also
included in The American Legion Reader, Victor Lasky,
ed. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1953.
- "History: A Symposium, "Plain Talk, IV
(March, 1929), 257-268.
- "How a Great Scholar Brings
Up His Child," The American Magazine, CVII (March,
1929), 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84.
- "History: A Symposium, Part
II" Plain Talk, IV (April, 1929), 483-493.
- "Our Changing Morals, The Forum, LXXXI
(April, 1929), 226-231.
- "The New Morality," The
Forum, LXXXI (May, 1929), 309-312.
- "I Want to be Happy," Cosmopolitan, LXXXVII
(July, 1929), 80, 214-216.
- "In Praise of Flaubert," Plain
Talk, V (August, 1929), 191-202.
- "Genius in Miniature: Socrates
-- The First Martyr of Philosophy," The American Magazine, CVIII
(October, 1929), 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108.
- "The Lust for Learning," The
Mentor, XVII (October, 1929), 7.
- "Genius in Miniature: Confucius-The
Secret of China, " The American Magazine, CVIII
(November, 1929), 73-74, 76.
- "Is Man a Machine? A Socratic
Dialogue," The Forum, LXXXII (November 1929), 264-270.
- "Trends in Modern Thought:
A Survey of Contemporary Philosophy," The Thinker,
I (November, 1929), 17-21.
- "Woman Tomorrow, The Mentor, XVII
(November,1929), 7.
- "Can We Make Our Children
Behave? A Socratic Dialogue," 7he Forum, LXXXII
(December, 1929), 346-360.
- "One Hundred Best Books " The
American Magazine, CVIII (December, 1929), 26-28, 109,
112, 115-116,118.
- "Spengler's Interpretation
of History," The Thinker, I (December, 1929) 15-23.
- "Te Deum," The Mentor, XVII
(December, 1929) 7.
- "East is West," The
Mentor, XVII (January, 1930), 7.
- "The Growth and Decay of Culture, The
Thinker, I (January, 1930), 21-30.
- "In Defense of Outlines: Apologia
Pro Libro Suo," The Forum, LXXXIII (January, 1930),
8-14. Also included in A Pageant of Prose, Frank H.
McCloskey and Robert B. Dow, eds. New York: Harper & brothers,
- "Modern Marriage," The
Mentor, XVIII (February, 1930), 7.
- "Spengler, on Degeneration," The
Thinker, I (February, 1930), 24-34.
- "You Got What You Asked For," Redbook,
LIV (February, 1930), 54-55 129-130.
- "Is Progress a Delusion?" Golden Book, XI,
(March, 1930, 59-63.
- "The Twilight of Civilization," The
Thinker, I (March, 1930), 17-25.
- "Whiskey, Wine and Beer," The
Mentor, XVIII (March, 1930), 7.
- "A Critique of Spengler," The
Thinker, I (April, 1930), 26-36.
- "Progress," The Mentor, XVIII
(April 1930), 7.
- "Are We Immoral?" The
Mentor XVIII (May, 1930), 7.
- "Love, Marriage and Morals," The Thinker,
II (May,1930),17-29.
- "Is Democracy Dying?" The Mentor
and World Traveler, XVIII (June, 1930), 74.
- "The Meaning of Culture," The
Thinker, 11 (June, 1930),17-30.
- "In Praise of Ourselves," The
Mentor and World Traveler, XVIII (July, 1930), 11.
- "Portrait of an Egoist," the
Thinker, 11 (July, 1930), 16-28.
- "The Crux of Civilization," 7he
Mentor and World Traveler, XVIII (August, 1930), 9.
- "Philosophic Pilgrimage," The
Thinker, II (September, 1930), 23-36.
- "Six Worst Sellers," The
Mentor and World Traveler, XVIII (September, 1930), 9.
- "The 12 Greatest Dates " The Forum, LXXXIV
(October, 1930), 226-232.
- "Keyserling Explores America," The
Thinker, (January, 1931), 16-29.
- "An American Visits Palestine," Redbook, LVI
(February, 1931), 84, 88, 90, 109-110.
- "Europe On Parade," The
Thinker, III (February, 1931), 66-80.
- "How to Widen Your World " The
American Magazine, CXI (March, 1931), 42-43, 160-163.
- "Keyserling on Life and Death," The
Thinker, III (March, 1931), 55-70.
- "Mother of Mysteries," Redbook, LVI
(April, 1931), 92, 94, 98-102. Also included as
- "Seen in India" in Essays
in Modern Thought, Thomas R. Cook, ed. New York: D.C.
Health & Co., 1935.
- "A Visit to China," Redbook,
LVI (April, 1931), 66-69, 140-143.
- "How We Made Utopia," The
Thinker, IV (September, 1931), 18-28.
- "America on Trial," Redbook,
LVII (October, 1931), 20-21, 112-114.
- "Ourselves As We Are," Redbook,
LVIII (November, 1931), 72-73, 82, 84, 86.
- "Some Criticisms of Our Schools," The
American Teacher, XVI (April, 1932), 4. Excerpt from Adventures
in Genius.
- "What is the Meaning of Life?" Literary
Digest CXIV (November 5, 1932), 20, 22. Summary, with excerpts,
of On the Meaning of Life.
- "The Tragedy of Russia:
The Road to Moscow," The Saturday Evening Post, CCV
(December 10, 1932), 3-5, 28, 30.
- "The Crisis in Communism," The
Saturday Evening Post, CCV (December 24,1932), 21, 29,
- "The Soul of Russia Under
Socialism," The Saturday Evening Post, CCV (January
21, 1933), 16-17, 45-48.
- "The Dictatorship Over the
Proletariat," The Saturday Evening Post, CCV (February
18, 1933), 27-28, 54, 56-58.
- "Shall We Train Our Sons for
Public Office?" The American Magazine, CXVI (September,
1933), 42-44, 138-139.
- "Is Our Civilization Dying?" The
Saturday Evening Post, CCVI (May 5, 1934), 8-9, 77-78,
- "The American Choice," The
Saturday Evening Post, CCVI (June 9,1934), 27,108-110,112.
- "Is Democracy Doomed?" The
Saturday Evening Post, CCVII (September 15, 1934), 23,
78, 80-82, 84.
- "Our Morals " The
Saturday Evening Post, CCVII (January 26,1935), 27,61-62,64,66.
- "The Threat to Civilization," The
Saturday Evening Post, CCVHI (December 21 1935), 23,
29, 32.
- "An Amateur's Philosophy," in American
Philosophy Today and Tomorrow, edited by Horace M. Kallen
and Sidney Hook. New York: Lee Furman, Inc., 1935.
- "What Education is Of Most
Worth?" The Saturday Evening Post, CCVIII (April
11, 1936), 14-15,44, 46-47.
- "What Education is of Most
Worth?" The Reader's Digest, XXIX (August, 1936),
105-108. Excerpts from "What Education is of Most worth?" The
Saturday Evening Post, CCVIII (April 11, 1936), 14-15,
44, 46-47.
- "The Crisis in American Civilization," in Official
Report of the American Association of School Administrators,
1936. Washington D.C.: American Association of School
Administrators, 1936.
- "The Crisis in American Civilization," The
Southern Workman, LXV (December, 1936), 380-383. Excerpts
from "The Crisis in American Civilization," in Official
Report of the American Association of School Administrators
- "Why Men Fight," The
Saturday Evening Post, CCX (July 10, 1937), 23, 58, 60-61.
Also included in Essays Of Three Decades, Arno L.
Bader and Carleton F. Wells, eds. New York: Harper & brothers,
1939. Also included in Essays for our Time, Arno L.
Bader and Carleton F. Wells, eds. New York: Harper & brothers,
- "A Piece of Old China," The
Rotarian, LII (March, 1938),13-15.
- "No Hymns of Hatred," The
Saturday Evening Post, CCX (June 4, 1938), 23, 48-49,
- "Meditation on Marriage," The
Saturday Evening Post, CCXI (May 13, 1939), 5-6, 72,
74, 76.
- "The Crisis in Christianity," The
Saturday Evening Post, CCXII (August 5, 1939), 5-6, 35-36.
- "The Crisis in American Civilization," Vital
Speeches of the Day, VI (December 15, 1939), 138-144.
Also included in The Reference Shelf, XIV, No. 1,
(1940), 208-229.
- "Ten Steps Up From The Jungle " The
Rotarian, LVIII (January, 1941),10-13, 56.
- "Self-Discipline Or Slavery, " The
Saturday Evening Post, CCXIII (January 18, 1941),
27, 46, 48-49, 51.
- "A Stoic America," Vital
Speeches of the Day, VII (February 1, 1941), 238-240.
- "On the Uses of Philosophy," in
What College Offers: Essays on the Subjects and Purposes
of College Training, edited by Frank H. McCloskey, John
S. Terry [and] Jonathan F. Scott. New York: F.S. Crofts & Co.,
- "Freedom of Worship," The
Saturday Evening Post, CCXV (February 27,1943), 12-13.
- "What is Civilization?" Ladies'
Home Journal, LXIII (January, 1946), 22-23,103-104,107.
- "History in a Capsule," The
Rotarian, LXXIV (January, 1949),10.
- "What Makes Men Happy?" The
Rotarian, LXXVII (November, 1950), 8-11.
- "Worried About the Young People?" The
Rotarian, XXC (May, 1952), 8-10, 47A8. Also included
in Bulletin of the National Association of Secondary School
Principals, XXXVI (October, 1952), 134-138.
- "Liberty is Over," in This
I Believe: Vol. 2, edited by Edward R. Murrow. New York:
Simon and Schuster, 1954.
- "The Ten Greatest Thinkers," The
Rotarian, XXCVI (February, 1955), 38-39, 90-93.
- "What is Wisdom?" Wisdom,
II, No. 8 (1957), 25-26.
- Commencement Address at the
Thirty-sixth Commencement Exercises of the Webb School of
California, June 7, 1958, on the Occasion of the Graduation
of Dr. Durant's Grandson, James Easton Claremont, Calif.,
- "Kant and the Mind as Shaping
Agent," in Ideas in Content, edited by Joseph H.
Satin. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1958. Excerpts from The
Story of Philosophy.
- "Young Man -- Your World," The
Reader's Digest, LXXIV (June, 1959), 94-96. Excerpts
from Commencement Address at the Webb School of California,
- "Man is Wiser Than Any Man," Pace, IV
(July, 1968), 4.
- "Man is Wiser Than Any Man," The Reader's
Digest, XCIII (November, 1968), 85-87. Excerpts from "Man
is Wiser Than Any Man," Pace, IV (July, 1968),
- "The Lessons of History," The
Reader's Digest, XCIII (December, 1968), 257-263. Excerpts
from The Lessons of History.
- "History and War," TIP
(Theory into Practice), VILL (April, 1969), 56-57. Excerpts
from The Lessons of History.
- Challenge and Response: Commencement
Address Delivered at Ripon College, May 16, 1970 by Ariel Durant," Ripon
College Magazine, III (June, 1970), 5-6. Also included
in Congressional Record, May 28,1970, pp. S7958-S7959.
- Will and Ariel Durant: Journey. Robert
Cohn Productions, 1973.
- A Visit With Will and Ariel
Northern River Productions, 2003.

- Heroes of Civilization. Northern
River Productions, 2003.