Commencement Address delivered at Ripon College by
Ariel Durant, 1970
I wish to speak to you briefly in
defense of civilization; to summarize the challenges
that now endanger it in America; and to tell you
simply what I would do about them if I had the power.
I define civilization
as social order promoting cultural creation. It
begins with force generating order; it progresses
with knowledge and education generating reason; it
matures in sensitivity generating beauty in action,
speech and form. It becomes a delicate structure of
traditions, customs, morals, manners and laws; of
commercial facilities and industrial skills; of
sciences, letters, creeds, philosophies, and arts. It
is not transmitted with flesh and blood, with genes
or chromosomes; it has to be acquired anew by each
generation through capacity to teach and willingness
to learn.
Civilization is a
cooperative product, and many peoples have
contributed to the heritage that constitutes it. So
the Hindus gave us our Arabic numerals, the
Phoenicians gave us our alphabet, the Jews gave us
the Ten Commandments, the Greeks gave us philosophy,
the Romans gave us law, the early Christians gave us
a moral ideal, the English gave us respect for
individual freedom, the French gave us the refining
participation of women in the privileges and
amenities of life. We are the inheritors of a costly,
complex and fragile legacy.
It takes centuries to
create a civilization, and only a generation or a
year to destroy it. It took France a thousand years
to grow from Clovis to Montaigne; it took England 800
years from Alfred to Shakespeare. But it took the
Mongols only a decade to destroy the high
civilization of medieval Baghdad; it may take the
hydrogen bomb only a day to turn our major cities
into rubble and dust; it may take only a generation
for Western civilization to disintegrate under the
storm of challenges that envelops it today.
You know those
challenges; they are in every newspaper and magazine,
in every mouth, almost in every thought. I shall
hastily summarize them, and then I shall face the
inevitable and reasonable question: What would I do
about them if I had power?

First of the
challenges to civilization is the deterioration of
our environment through the rapid use of minerals and
fuels of the soil; through the transformation of our
inner cities into soul-destroing, crime-breeding
ghettos of the poor; through the pollution of our
waters by industrial and human wastes, of our air by
our industries and our cars, of our food and drink by
insecticides, detergents, or chemical additives; and
the disfigurement of our surroundings by unregulated
building or the discarded products of our labor or
our recreation. We have been fouling our own nest.

The deterioration of
our population through the reckless multiplication of
its quantity and the repeated dilution of its
quality. We breed faster than we plant, and we breed
from the bottom of the intellectual scale while
prudent parentage relatively sterilizes the top.

The Industrial
Revolution has ended the role of the family as the
unit of economic production, and has thereby removed
the economic basis of parental authority and family

The Scientific
Revolution has weakened supernatural belief, and has
rapidly reduced the influence of religion as a source
of moral instruction and social order.

Our universities are
in turmoil. The angry student resents courses that do
not prepare him for successful functioning in a
changing society, or that ignore the role of ethnic
minorities in our political and cultural history. He
suffers from the absorption of teachers in private
research, and the domination of that research by the
needs of the army and the navy. He began by admiring
science for its methods and its miracles; he ends by
distrusting science as mechanizing life and industry,
and as subjecting itself to a military-industrial
complex that dominates the citizen, the teacher, the
economy, and the government.

The growth of wealth
and cities and population, the lessening of moral
restraints, the increased facilities offered to
economic dishonesty and sexual promiscuity, have
coarsened our manners, our morals, our language, our
literature, and our arts, and threaten the very soul
of civilization.

The denial of
education and a decent family life to our black
people in the South has created, by their migration
to the North, a race problem more intense and
dangerous than at any time in our century.

Crime has increased
along with cities, science, and industry. Industry
gives new tools to the criminal; the automobile makes
his escape easier; court decisions make his
conviction harder; and indiscriminate imprisonment
makes murderers out of petty thieves.

Our economic system,
so excellent in productivity and in spreading the
comforts of life, has the defect of repeatedly
concentrating wealth to a point that encourages
discontent and class war.

Our youth tend to lose
faith in the integrity and efficiency of our
institutions, to drop out from the processes and
amenities of civilization, and to lend themselves to
student violence and revolutionary dreams. They
reject the past as irrelevant in a hectically
changing world, and repudiate the wisdom of age as
geared to a vanished scene. Finally they take to
narcotics to escape the responsibilities of adult
life; and we, who must entrust the future to them,
stand sipping our alcohol in a paralysis of wonder
and fear as to what our undisciplined and unmoored
children will do with our heritage.
So much for the
challenges; now what shall we do about them? In
proposing remedial measures we must keep within the
limits of human nature, and within the capacity of a
democratic government. Mindful of these limits, I
offer suggestions not for a Utopia but for a better
- Every state and
county should include a Bureau of
Environmental Care, empowered to check
pollution at its source.
- Parentage should
be made a privilege of fitness, and not a
right of irresponsibility or carelessness. A
right should be defined as a private freedom
consistent with public good. Birth control
information should be given to every family.
Abortion should be legalized. We may rely
upon the natural desire for offspring to keep
our population up to a figure necessary for
national security.
- The unity of the
family and the authority of the parents
should be strengthened by enforcing their
responsibility for the actions of their
dependent children.
- The Church might
regain its moral force if it put less
emphasis upon creed and more upon conduct.
The Ten Commandments, applied resolutely to
our living problems, would be an excellent
platform for any synagogue; and the ethics of
Christ could be the daily gospel of every
Christian church, requiring not literal, but
sincerely progressive fulfillment.
- Education should
be provided to fit every student for
employment in a technological economy; but
education in the humanities should be equally
stressed for the understanding of values,
graces, and ends. Proposals for high school,
college, or university reform should be
submitted to a board of which the elected
president of each student class should be a
voting member. Any student who interferes
with the operation of a school should be
dismissed. To counter the deterioration of
our television programs I would recommend the
establishment of a United States Broadcasting
Company financed by the Government but
directed by our universities, the National
Academy of Science, and the National Academy
of Arts and Letters.
- Education in
morality which I should define as the
conscientious cooperation of the individual
with the community should be a major
course in every year of schooling. The
intelligent youth will not take his morals
from his inferiors, nor will he take his
vocabulary from the privy, the street corner,
or the saloon. Some check must be put to our
moral permissiveness; some censorship must be
resumed over publication, broadcasting, and
the theater. I know that this is a dangerous
course, but there should be a limit to the
dissemination of degradation.
- Racial
integration should require for all groups
equality of educational, economic, and
political opportunity.
- I believe that
the extension of education and the reduction
of poverty, will reduce though it will
not end crime. Temporary insanity
should no longer be accepted as an excuse for
crime. Prisons should be replaced by state
farms designed to teach some rehabilitating
- I believe that
our economic system, with its progressive
mixture of capitalism and socialism, of free
enterprise and the welfare state, is better
than either the unregulated capitalism of my
youth or an authoritarian communist regime.
- Obviously, I
prefer reform to revolution. If there
anything clear in history it is that violent
revolution multiplies chaos, disseminates
destitution, and passes through the excesses
of freedom to a dictatorship by an oppressive
minority. Revolution is a master that devours
both its parents and its children. Less
alluring, but less costly, are those
processes of reform, by persistent education
and gradual public acceptance, which have
achieved so many beneficent changes in our
As I think over this
discourse, I fear that I have stressed too heavily
the problems that face us and our children. I am not
without hope and I do not forget the marvels that
man, poor stumbling man, has achieved in science,
religion, literature, art, even in statesmanship and
sanctity. Our government is subject to most of the
frailties of that human nature which all of us
radical as well as conservative, young as well as
old, poor as well as rich share alike; but it
is still flexible enough to hear and implement
proposals that have stood the tests of criticism and
We shall meet our
challenges if we can bring to bear upon them the
united force of mature counsels and young ideas. The
young must learn to listen as well as to speak; they
must make room, in their concept of America, for that
steady middle class, and those men and women of
middle age, that carry most of the burdens of life
and government. And we elders must recognize that the
wild initiatives of the young have spurred remedial
action in administrative chambers and legislative
halls. Perhaps our national vitality depends upon a
continuing tension between youth and age, whereby
innovation meets tradition, and the ardor of
experiment fuses with the coolness of experience.
Let our sons and
daughters be heard when they open their hearts.
Though suffering repeated violence and chaos,
civilization will survive the unstable flux of our